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UPDATE May 2011 – I’ve passed, I’m VCAP-DCA baby! Here are my thoughts about the whole process.

UPDATE April 2011 – I’m finally done with the revision! You can download the completed study notes in PDF format.

This page is simply a collection of my revision notes as published on my blog. Unlike the excellent blogposts mine are likely to appear over a longer period of time as I have both a busy job and a lovely wife to occupy my time (not to mention a demanding cat!).

Section 1 – Implement and Manage Storage
Section 2 – Implement and Manage Networking
Section 3 – Deploy DRS Clusters and manage Performance
Section 4 – Manage Business Continuity and Protect Data
Section 5 – Perform Operational Maintenance
Section 6 – Perform Advanced Troubleshooting
Section 7 – Secure a vSphere Environment
Section 8 – Perform Scripting and Automation
Section 9 – Perform Advanced vSphere Installations and Configurations

31 thoughts on “VCAP4-DCA

  1. Pingback: VCAP-DCA resources
  2. Pingback: Vcap
  3. Hi Ed,
    I am working on an ultimate study guide and I have been working with some other vbloggers to put together an “ultimate” guide using various videos around the web (with permission) and other study guides. It will be an xmind file when I am done (the one Chris Dadswell started). I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind me placing your study guide into that complete guide. You will get credit for the content and your site will be referenced – In no way do I benefit from this. I am only contributing my time and effort to create a central point for all VCAP-DCA related material. If you want to drop me an email that would be great! Thanks!

  4. Edward, let me thank you for the fantastic work you have done creating this guide. I guess half of my success with VCAP-DCA is due to your guide. Once I found your guide I rarely looked for any information beyond it. Generally speaking, it has everything you need to study to be able to pass the exam.
    With some minor updates on your guide you can easily go on the market with it 🙂
    thanks again. stunning work!

    1. You’re too kind Askar. I’m glad you found it useful and thankyou for taking the time to feedback – it really makes all the effort whileworth! Maybe I’ll ‘sell’ the VCAP-DCA5 guide I’m planning to produce – a beer per copy!

  5. Today, I received the mail from VMware. I passed the VCAP-DCA4 with 400 points! Your study guide was one of my bibles, thanks Ed for your effort putting that together!

  6. Hi Edward,

    I am studying for my VCAP4-DCA and have setup a ESXi 4.1 nested lab running on my physical ESXi 5 server.

    I wonder if you can confirm if it’s just worth becoming familiar with the vicfg commands in vMA rather than trying to use any of the CLI programs and other commands?

    I’m just trying to narrow down the amount of stuff you have to learn, can you get by in the exam with using vMA and the vicfg commands alone.

    Incidentally off on a tangent, on my nested ESXi 4.1 servers I have managed to get x64 guests to run, everything on the web suggests that this is not possible, is this your understanding??


    1. The exam is scored on whether you can achieve a particular task – the method you use is up to you, be that GUI, PowerCLI, vMA etc. Of course there may be some tasks you can only complete in one way or another – there’s no vicfg-firewall for instance, so you’ll need to use esxcfg-firewall if you need to modify the firewall. Outside that it’s your preference, so you can certainly focus your studies accordingly.

      As for nested ESXi running 64bit guests that was new in ESXi5, which is probably why much of the material on the web says it’s not possible – it wasn’t until relatively recently. Good luck with the exam!

  7. I will take VCAP exam in next Tuesday, I hope that can pass it. ^^
    I and reivewed your material, it is very useful for preparation.

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